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We are looking for new employees in Data Science, IT Management, Microsoft and SAP
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Project A

Anonymize texts and files


Transferring data to your SAP system

Your experts for

AI & Machine Learning

Data Engineering


AI & Machine Learning

We're making the world a bit better by making it easier to discover, analyze, and use data to help make the right decisions.

AI & Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

We help you take advantage of artificial intelligence and machine learning for your business and develop effective solutions. In doing so, we also take current trends and technologies into account.

Data Science Illustration

Data Engineering

Efficient data collection and processing

For valuable insights and successful decisions. We ensure that your data is in optimal form so that you can develop your full potential.


Data visualization for a meaningful overview

Our goal is to make the data easily and intuitively accessible to you so that you can simplify the management of your processes and optimize your decision-making.

Why you should choose us

ainovi is an important partner for our project, who makes a decisive contribution to our success. In particular, their expertise in statistical analyses and machine learning impressed us!
Torsten Metzler
Senior Partner Collaborative Programs and Projects

Out of Stock Dashboard

Data Analysis
Data Visualization
SAP Integration
Our customer, a large retail chain, regularly had to deal with out of stocks (sold out products) despite centralized product inventory and sales recording in SAP. The reasons were manifold (lack of orders, incorrect data, theft, breakage, etc.) and solving the problem was time-consuming. As a solution, we developed a dashboard for central monitoring of out of stocks. Through analytical functions, causes could be quickly identified and resolved. The seamless integration with the SAP platform made it easier to use.
Data Engineering

Analysis of bottlenecks

Data Integration
Data Analysis
Our customer operates a large rail network in Germany and is facing a lack of capacity and delays. We help him set up a centralized analysis platform that processes knowledge from numerous data sources and creates digital twins of train journeys.

With this platform, we identify optimization measures and evaluate potential to support managers in their decision-making.
AI & Machine Learning

Automatic measurement adjustment

Our customer manufactures tailor-made products, and some offers have to be adjusted manually. To automate this, an AI-supported process was developed. A machine learning model, based on historical correction data and data analyses, precisely calculates the required adjustments. The model can be accessed via a REST interface and is integrated into the production system. This solution relieves employees and avoids delays in production.

Out of Stock Dashboard

Unser Kunde, eine große Einzelhandelskette, hatte trotz zentraler Produktbestands- und Verkaufserfassung in SAP regelmäßig mit Out of Stocks (ausverkauften Produkten) zu kämpfen. Die Gründe waren vielfältig (mangelnde Bestellungen, falsche Daten, Diebstahl, Bruch etc.) und die Problemlösung zeitaufwändig. Zur Lösung entwickelten wir ein Dashboard zur zentralen Überwachung von Out of Stocks. Durch analytische Funktionen konnten Ursachen schnell identifiziert und behoben werden. Die nahtlose Integration in die SAP-Plattform erleichterte die Nutzung.
Data Engineering

Analyse von Engpässen

Unser Kunde betreibt ein großes Schienennetz in Deutschland und sieht sich mangelnder Kapazität und Verspätungen gegenüber. Wir unterstützen ihn beim Aufbau einer zentralisierten Analyseplattform, die Wissen aus zahlreichen Datenquellen aufbereitet und Digitale Zwillinge der Zugfahrten erstellt. Mit dieser Plattform identifizieren wir Optimierungsmaßnahmen und bewerten Potenziale, um leitende Personen in ihrer Entscheidungsfindung zu unterstützen.
KI & Machine Learning

Automatische Maßanpassung

Unser Kunde stellt maßgeschneiderte Produkte her, wobei einige Angebote manuell angepasst werden müssen. Um dies zu automatisieren, wurde ein KI-gestützter Prozess entwickelt. Ein Machine-Learning-Modell, basierend auf historischen Korrekturdaten und Datenanalysen, berechnet präzise die erforderlichen Anpassungen. Das Modell ist über eine REST-Schnittstelle ansprechbar und in das Produktionssystem integriert. Diese Lösung entlastet die Mitarbeiter und vermeidet zeitliche Verzögerungen in der Produktion.

Anonymize texts, documents and databases

Project A is our GDPR-compliant solution for anonymizing data and showcases our expertise and way of working. Our team has developed an innovative method that reliably anonymizes or pseudonymizes sensitive information.

Impressive figures that speak for themselves

Leading companies rely on our expertise and are satisfied. We work every day to keep it that way.

Years of experience
We work intensively with our customers to implement complex projects.
Project years
We work with our customers over the long term to achieve exceptional results.
We have a proven track record of delivering successful projects.
We complete training courses and certifications in order to constantly develop.
Our experts have already been able to implement over 300 digital projects in more than 10 industries.

Leading companies and government agencies trust us

Use Cases

Object recognition

Use data science to drive the development of powerful object recognition systems.


Improve patient care through accurate diagnoses and create individualized treatment plans.

Fraud detection

Detect suspicious activity with data science and minimize it through early fraud detection.

Recommendation systems

Using data science, get personalized content and products suggested to improve the user experience.

Demand forecast

Use data science to predict future demand, optimize inventories and avoid bottlenecks.

Public transportation

Analyze traffic data with data science to reduce delays in local and long-distance traffic.